Hello!  Due to popular demand and a few cancellations, we are able to
offer 11 seats at the speaker dinner at June's IFC Ferret Aid conference.
Seats are on a first come, first served basis.
Enjoy a 3 course sit-down meal, mingle with your friends over a glass of
wine and enjoy intimate time with all of our speakers.  The dinner is a
closed event and will be limited to 120 people.
After dinner, the forum will open to everyone attending the conference
for entertainment, drinks and more!!
With many thanks to Ferret Mom (things4feritz) Michelle, we will also
have a spot with Dr. Williams up for auction AT the conference!
For more information about the dinner, please visit
Miss Randy Melanie Belair
The Ferret Aid Society
www.ferretaid.org <http://www.ferretaid.org/>
Join us for the IFC Ferret Aid 2006 Conference!
Book early, almost sold out!!
[Posted in FML issue 5205]