D K SADOWSKI <[log in to unmask]>  wrote on 4/3/2006, 3:00 AM:
>You Aussies may feed live/natural prey and that's fine, but *PLEASE* do
>not try ramming your way of thinking or your practices down our throats!
>We are intelligent creatures and can think for ourselves.
Actually, I have not seen any of the Aussies post about feeding live.
But, maybe I missed something.  What I have seen from several FML
members who live in Australia is that they feed a raw diet - but raw
doesn't always equal live.
Also, I have not felt in the least that they were trying to cram their
beliefs down anyone's throat.  In fact, the whole approach by the
"Aussies" has been to answer questions and provide factual information.
The only post I have seen from the pro-raw camp that was the least bit
abusive or discourteous was from MC - but then, he advertises he is "the
rude one".  And even his post wasn't bad - just a little heavy on the
use of capitals.
In fact, the posters who have bordered on rude and closed minded have all
been pro kibble.  I will never understand why some people are afraid to
consider a new approach to something, especially if it might be a better
approach.  Why are some people afraid to hear about things that are
>All aspects of the subject have been examined so there is no need to
>keep this going.
I am not sure that we have explored all aspects of this subject.  Some
people, myself included, still have questions.  Now, I have joined the
Natural Ferret Group on Yahoo, and plan to ask my questions there.  But,
there may be some who do not want to join another group, but do want to
get the information.  If you have lost interest in the subject, just
skip over those posts.
>You also have ignored the other information that was given about other
>influences that effect our ferrets lives.  I have done fine with my
>Inova which is made from Turkey & Chicken (Not meal or by-products).
>My oldest furkid died at 13 years thankyou very much.
That is fine - I am very happy for you.  And, I will be the first to
admit that there is probably no single factor that will cure all the
problems ferrets can face.  But, even if it is a number of things that
cause ferrets to appear so prone to illnesses, shouldn't we explore all
of them?
Now, I would actually prefer to see meal and by-products in the kibble I
feed.  After all, meal will include things like ground up bone, and
by-products will include organ meats.  These items are essential for a
balanced diet.
I am still a kibble feeder.  That doesn't mean I think kibble is the best
source of food - just that right now, I still think it is the safest.  I
worry about the little beasties (bacteria) like salmonella that can be in
raw meats.  I may be paranoid when it comes to this, or I may be wise.  I
don't know.  But, I am willing to listen to what people who feed raw have
to say.
Over the 20 years I have had ferrets, I have made numerous changes in
the way I feed them.  All of these changes have been to increase the
amount of protein and lower the carbohydrates.  And, as I have made
changes, I have seen improvements in the overall health of my ferrets.
My latest change was to feed cooked meats as a supplement and treat.
In theory, I believe that the raw diet favored by people like Shona and
Shirley is the best possible, if there is a way around the problem of
bacteria.  And, like I said, I may just be overly paranoid about this.
On a similar note, yesterday I had 4 or my 5 year olds in to see the vet
for melatonin implants.  As is usual, while she examined them, I asked
her opinions on various things.  One of the subjects we discussed was
I asked her what she thought about feeding a natural (raw) diet.  She
expressed my concerns about salmonella and other bacteria, but admitted
it was probably a much healthier diet aside from that.  She is one who is
concerned about periodontal disease in animals, and said that the kibble
we feed destroys the ferrets' teeth.  A raw diet would be better from
that standpoint.  She also agreed that the lower carb content would be
an improvement.
She admitted that everything she had heard about ferrets in the UK and
Australia, where they are usually fed a natural diet, indicated that
they have fewer health problems then ferrets here in the US.
I asked her if she had seen the new Evo cat food.  She hadn't, and so I
told her about that.  She liked the idea that it has no grains in it,
and was going to look for some to see what the ingredients were, and
perhaps try it with her ferrets.
So, speaking just for myself, I am still considering trying a "natural"
diet with my ferrets.
Danee DeVore
International Ferret Congress Health Issues Coordinator
ADV - If your ferret hasn't been tested, you don't know!
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[Posted in FML issue 5203]