About your ferrets:
1) How long have you had ferrets?
Since November 2001.
2) What got you interested in ferrets?
I've seen my first ferret when I took my white mouse to the vet and
there I fell in love (in a ferret of course, not a vet ;-) ).
3) Do your ferrets get Easter baskets or have a Christmas stocking?
About you:
1) Do you consider yourself an enthusiast, owner or slave?
ferret friend, ferret enthusiast, ferret owner and sometimes a ferret
2) How many hours a week do you spend tending to your babies?
Every minute I am at home when they are not bussy with something/somebody
3) Do you have any tattoos, piercings, etc?
I have two piercings (one in the right ear and one in the nose) and if
I'll make it to the vet school, I'll get myself a ferret tattoo.
About the FML:
1) Why did you join the FML?
Cause is a great source of informations about ferrets.
2) What is your favorite thing about this group?
So many great people who know so much.
3) Least favorite thing?
--- Think of me long enough to make a memory ---
[Posted in FML issue 5228]