Alex wrote:
>1) It was not an *octopus* that I left in a little wicker basket in our
>shower stall, It was a glow in the dark *jellyfish*.  I waited for days
>for you to find it and be boggled.
Oh I'm sure Wolfy *noticed* it.
I doubt it was much different than what she is used to at home Alex.  She
is a mother of 2 teenage boys, and has a husband.  A ten inch green glow
in the dark jellyfish is nothing.
>You also missed the bright green and yellow John Deer bumper sticker on
>the main vanity mirror.
Ditto above.
>2) I did not just wear my flashing LED sandals in the hotel *hallways.*
>I wore them to the Symposium, 'member?
This would not be anything new to the Wolfy, she sees pretty flashing
lights all the time.
[Posted in FML issue 5228]