My name is Sharon.  Earlier this month, so many wonderful people shared
the loss of our Jezebel.  Patches and I thank you from the bottom of our
hearts.  It helped so much to know you were out there.  But, now I need
some more information.
Last night patches had a very bad attack of his insulinoma.  He was just
about unconscious when I came home from work.  God and I worked hard and
got him around and them took him to the hospital.  He is home, but oh so
lethargic, and sleepy.  I make him eat every couple hours.
Is this normal?  I am afraid to leave him.  I know he is missing Jezebel,
and doesn't eat as much as he used to.  I have been making him eat.  He
has dark circles around his eyes, and is so unhappy.  He has never been
this severe.
Thanks for any info you may know.
- Sharon
[Posted in FML issue 5228]