Ping is he writes:
>Tonks, listen up, Dude. This is Ping is He.
>Cassie Iroff is a *lady*.  She doesn't need some guy covered with POOP
>in her life.  Yeah, YOU.  Charter member of TPO Club, Dude.  Gotta warn
>you that Puma is giving me etiquette lessons so that I can get to know
>Cassie better.  (Puma says she's teaching me because of the bad things
>she did in a past life and this is penance or something.  Whatever.)
>My coat is groomed, my nails are trimmed, I got rid of my chow gut, and
>I'm *determined*.
>So get outta my way.  Paws OFF.
Wake up and smell the Ferretone!  You have been hangin out with Hedgies
to long, it has addled your brain.  I am not covered with poop, dats my
brudder Petey.  And if you really wanted to impress Cassie you would join
the Petey TPO Club.You have until the end of April to join and be apart
of the membership drive and maybe win a lucky ferret poo paperweight,
THAT would really impress Cassie.
Now, I on the other hand am a Super Hero.  I have a green cape and I
can fly.  I am going to capture Miss Cassie's heart with my suave and
debonair demeanor.  Plus, I have been practicing winking.  Petey says
that gets da girls every time.
Eat my dust!
Tonks, Super Hero Extrodinaire
[Posted in FML issue 5227]