1) How long have you had ferrets?
6 years
2) What got you interested in ferrets?
A pet shop owner was re-homing her personal ferrets.  Parris was a
biter, and her owner allowed me to adopt her.
3) Do your ferrets get Easter baskets or have a Christmas stocking?
About you:
1) Do you consider yourself an enthusiast, owner or slave?
2) How many hours a week do you spend tending to your babies?
I don't keep track, but as many as it takes to keep them happy and
3) Do you have any tattoos, piercing, etc?
What will I win if I do?
About the FML:
1) Why did you join the FML?
I needed help to understand the special ferret personality.  That's a
nice way of saying Parris was biting the *%## out of me and I wanted
her to stop!
2) What is your favorite thing about this group?
The many ferret friends I have *met*.  The family/community spirit when
something awful happens and folks pull together.
3) Least favorite thing?
hmmmm, nothing really.  Some posters I've learned to scroll on by so I'm
not often ticked off.
[Posted in FML issue 5226]