Ok, I went to the ferret health digest - and looked up ear sucking.....
and damn it - I didn't like what I found.  the very first post -
described Ricky.  Lost a little weight.  Dry - coarse hair......ear
sucking.... .bowling pin shape........and then they said: adrenal.......
THAT was what I was struggling "not" to remember........*sigh*.
Ok - so now, guys - short of surgery - what is a good alternative - if
Ricky is Adrenal.  I obviously need to have him diagnosed first, so I
also would love it if someone out there could refer me to a GOOD vet here
in the Duke City please.......I am gonna be SOOOO bummed out if that is
what is wrong with him.........right after losing Helena........*sigh*.
Lord, help me to be grateful for what I have, and not greedy for what I
[Posted in FML issue 5226]