- How long have you had ferrets?
About 4 years
- What got you interested in ferrets?
Worked at Petco, fell in love with them there.  Loved them when I was a
child, but could not have one......my mother thought they would smell.
Not alot of information about them when I was a child.
- Do your ferrets get an Easter basket or Xmas stocking (or any other
  holiday gifts)?
Yes, they do.  Often a Holiday Meal and treats.  We also have "Secret
Santas" for the shelter kids.  We love that.  So many caring people out
there, who take time and their money to help a ferret they will probably
never meet.  Thank You All of You!
About you-
1. Do you consider yourself an owner, enthusiast, or slave?
Of course I am their slave.  I did earn the Title "Chief Operating
Officer and Pooper Scooper"
2. How many hours a week do you spend tending to your babies?
Oh man, too many to count.  Physically cleaning cages and boxes about 21
hours.  Now that does not count playtime, group rotation and snuggling
for no reason!
3. Do you have any tattoos, piercings, etc?
Ears and Belly Button Pierced.  Use to have my tongue, took that out last
year.  Then I have a Red-Eyed Tree Frog on my shoulder to mark a very
hard time our families life (my husband's lay off-I got a job which I
loved as a Reptile Specialist) and to honor we go through it.  He
brought us good luck.  Also a band of flowers/vines around my ankle with
pawprints inside the open spaces.  That is because I love animals, and
flowers of course.  I want one or more, but not sure what or where.
Making sure I know exactly.  It hits you.
About the FML-
- Why did you join the FML?
Thought it would be a good place to learn more, also socializes in a
sense, with other ferret lovers.
- What is your favorite thing about this group?
The stories, and yes, Sukie's Long winded messages (WINK WINK).  That
woman has a wealth of knowledge at her finger tips.  If you ever, ever
have a question, email her directly.  You will get an immediate answer!
3. Least favorite thing?
The slamming of others for no apparent reason (I have been slammed on
many occasions...GASP).  And those people who can not back up their
stories or slam with hard core proof (Paperwork evidence).  They hear
something or make something up and post it like it is the ALL MIGHTLY
TRUTH.  In most cases, they are so far off base, it is not even funny.
I don't mind the discussions, constructive ones.  Everyone can agree to
disagree.  It is also good to see many sides and expirences to a topic.
Helps you make a more informed decision.
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[Posted in FML issue 5221]