Hi All
Tony asked me to post his mail, Sorry Tony; I clean my computer every
Friday so I no longer have it.  Tony said his ferrets go to the
university so that students being trained to become vets can learn, that
is very noble, but it has one flaw.  I am very lucky to be personally in
touch with the two ferret vets in Holland.  Nico Schoemaker and Hanneke
Moorman.  A few years ago one of my ferrets died and although we though
we new why, I wanted it confirmed so I took him the university in
Utrecht.  At the time Nico was away, so he did not fill in the forms for
the autopsy, consequently students did the autopsy.  The results that
came back mentioned nothing of what I had the autopsy done for.  I asked
Nico about this and his replay was, Students do most of their learning on
dogs and cats, when they get the occasional ferret, they don't know what
they are looking for or at, so they would not recognize a problem and
therefore will come up with the wrong conclusion.  If one of the
professors checks it, he might come to a different conclusion, but they
seldom have time to check all students.  The students will only look for
something if they are asked to look for it, otherwise they just learn.
So Tony, the fact that your ferrets are being used as learning material,
dose not mean you are getting the right results.  And to be very
truthful, we are having a ferret symposium in Holland in October,
if we could find ferret-experienced vets in Europe, we wouldn't have to
bring them all the way from America.  And by experienced, I mean a vet
who sees at least 10 ferrets a week.
[Posted in FML issue 5221]