Mary McCarty <[log in to unmask]> on 4/21/2006, 2:00 AM:
>Kibble does not provide that action, being a paste, so it is necessary
>to give lax to prevent hair balls.
I find the need to comment here.
Just so all the variables are understood - I live in the US, and I
currently feed a kibble diet supplemented with cooked meat and meat
baby food.
In the 20 years I have had ferrets, I have never given them a hairball
remedy, nor have they needed it.  Most of my ferrets are necropsied when
they die, and none have had hairballs.  Further, none have ever required
surgery for a hairball.
I have always attributed this to the fact that I change their bedding
frequently, especially if they are shedding, and handle them a lot.  When
I handle them, I knock loose hair off, and if they are shedding, I run my
fingers through their hair against the way it grows, to loosen and remove
more hair.
Additionally, my ferrets get a lot of time out of their cages, so they
do not get bored and start licking or chewing their fur.
I do not bath my ferrets, nor do I brush or comb them.  When I was
showing, I did bath and brush them to prepare for the show, but that
was the only time.
I know that some ferrets do get hairballs.  I am not saying I think that
hairballs are a myth.  And except for the above, I really don't know why
I do not have problems, but I don't.
Danee DeVore
International Ferret Congress Health Issues Coordinator
ADV - If your ferret hasn't been tested, you don't know!
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[Posted in FML issue 5220]