As many of you know, I recently lost my "baby girl" Sasha on March 21st
and it was a devastating, unexpected blow that has proven to be far more
difficult to accept and process than I ever imagined.  I knew she was so
very special to me but I just didn't realize quite how attached I was to
her until she was no longer a part of my every day life.  I miss her
terribly and I wonder at what point I'll be able to mention her name in
conversation and not "come undone".
As healing medicine, I have put together a memorial page of sorts where
you can see my "baby girl's" photos and some other things that I hope
will honor her life.  And I also hope to soon have my own personal
webpage/site that will contain a more thorough memorial to Sasha and
additional info.  about Snowball as well.
In the meantime . . .  to view Sasha's memorial photos and guestbook,
go to:
Many thanks to everyone who has so graciously provided support to Snowy
and me since Sasha's passing.  We really appreciate your efforts and kind
words.  Snowball has been showing delayed signs of depression in the past
week and I'm going to take him to one of the local shelters this week for
some play time - to see if he's wanting another companion or if he would
just prefer to be in an one ferret home by himself (he never did like
being around other ferrets besides Sasha, his "Sissy".
It's difficult to know right now what he's wanting but I'm trying to help
him work through the grieving process as best I can.  It sooooo breaks my
heart to see him so sad and withdrawn, as if he's lost his will to live,
but I think there's much hope for him still!
Very concerned Jennifer and very sad Snowball :-S
[Posted in FML issue 5202]