Please if someone knows how to reach CJ, please pass this along to her.
CJ, it's with a very sad and heavy heart that I write this today.  Our
little boy Sammy (aka Harry) had to be helped to the bridge yesterday.
It was through the FML that I saw CJ's cry for help in adoptions as she
was over run with ferrets three years ago.  Considering Im in Texas, CJ
graciously put down her guard and allowed Sammy (Harry) and Snoop
(George) to travel with Julie all the way down to Oklahoma where I met
up with Julie and her brother at Sandy's shelter.  Sammy was adrenal (I
adopted him that way) and got him his first bi-lateral surgery the next
month.  In the three years following, Sammy would have another bi-lateral
surgery and then developed insulinoma in 2005.
Sammy and Snoop were very special friends as they'd been together their
whole lives, bonded to the core.  Sammy never gave kisses (oh how he
hated me kissing him) but was one of the sweetest ferrets I've ever
known.  He developed a fondness for a little red Petco ball that he'd
chase all over the house playing soccer with.
Sammy started slowing down this last year.  Devolping another adrenal
tumor.  He had been on Lupron for close to a year now and it was slowly
not working anymore.
At around 6 1/2, between the adrenal and the insulinoma he was going
downhill.  He had a huge pred belly (partially from the adrenal Im sure)
and started having difficulty breathing yesterday.  So alas, I made the
choice that difficult too painfull choice to free him of his ailments.
It was one of the hardest choices I've ever had to make as I feel he
didn't want to give up..  but yet his body was.  His spirit is a strong
Please say a prayer for his best friend Snoop.  Snoop and Sam talked the
last week I know it.  I've never had a bonded pair like them.  Snoop
would constantly check up on Sam in his favorite sleepy spot.  Nudge him
and then lay by him as if Sammy was saying it's nearing time, stay with
me.  Im worried about Snoop as they were the best of friends and this is
going to be very hard on him.
Thank you again CJ for letting me love them all the way here in Texas.
They have brought so much joy to my life.
To Sam,my sam-man.  I will miss you always.  I will miss being able to
holler your name and seeing that cute fuzzy head stick out of your little
Momma loves you always.  Snoop will miss you terribly.  PLease check in
on him and let him know you're no longer sad that you can't run and play.
That now, you can dance again and chase your little red balls in heaven.
 :(  I'll miss you my no-kissing handsome boy.
Love momma Leanne, Britney, your bubba Snoop-dog-e-dog
and all your friends.
[Posted in FML issue 5219]