My name is Buffie.  I have 4 ferrets.  2 of my ferrets had a severe
reaction to the distemper shot from Fervac D last December of 2005.  I
thought I was going to lose one but lucky both came out ok.  My vet said
that those two will never get distemper again cuz of the reaction.
I still have 2 other ones that their distemper shot is coming up soon.
I'm lost at this cuz I'm scare of them getting a reaction but I'm also
scare of them contract the canine.  I would like to know how easy, can my
ferrets contract canine distemper??  Is it airborne?  My ferrets do go on
vacation with me once a year to New Mexico.  I don't think purvax is on
the market and I think Fervac D just went off the market, but I know that
Fervac D has high rating of reaction.  I think its only Galaxy D now, but
I think Galaxy is more safer then Fervac D.  Am I correct?  My vet prefer
Fervac D so I have to go to another vet that gives Galaxy D.  I wld like
to know if Galaxy is more safer then Fervac D.  What about my other 2
that had a reaction, should they still get distemper shot when their is
due, even tho they had a reaction or is it better for the 2 not to have
the distemper shot ever again cuz of the reaction?  Please help me with
this.  I want whats best for my furkids.  Any info would be greatly
appreciated.  Thank You.
[Posted in FML issue 5191]