Twiggy is the love of my life...(well except for my husband of course!)
2 year old DEW female rescue we got a few months ago.  Has been healthy
and happy up till the past day or two.  Has some brownish loose stool
somewhat mucousy.  She is drinking but have not seen her eat..not
dehydrated and belly appears full.  Temp was 102.3 last night and I
gave her 1/2 cc of Pepto.
She seems a little better this morning but still just wants to sleep and
not play with the other two ferrets.
Gave her another dose of Pepto.  If she is not better by tomorrow I am
going to take her with me to work and to the vet.  Any suggestions in
the meantime?
I do have liquid amoxicillan in the fridge but hve not given her any.
Cindy Lynn
Tink,Twiggy and Tigger Too!
[Posted in FML issue 5175]