Dear Petey,TPO
I be Nemo Underfoot, de Kaptin ob de submarine Naughtyless.  I been
poofed on as well as pooped on, so I tink I be kwalified to join da
TPO club.
Dat Mama Mary Underfoot, she's an old gal who didn't get desented when
she was finally fixed (an she tells me she didn't even know she was
broke, teehee ;-) and I bug her lots.  Mom tells me to learn from my
speriences and when Mama Mary turns her back, run like crazy.  I tried
dat, but de only crazy way I knows to run is to war-dance and dat didn't
work.  Whew!  Dat scent is potent.  Mom says it doesn't last long, but
it seems like a long time to me!
Anyway, when Mama Mary's not happy, ain't nobody happy.  But teasing her
is such fun.  Da furst time she poofed me, I woke her up an she didn't
have a chance to get to the necessary corner.  Dats when I got pooped on
too.  Mom washed me off, ugh.  I hates bafs, but dis time I liked da
results.  But I didn't learn - dat would be un-ferretlike.
Tanks for startin up a club for doos ob us lower on da sleepin level.
Kaptin Nemo Underfoot
P.S.  (dats poof smells, rite?)
I gots da note from Petey sayin dat I shud ask Mom to post dis.  She
mainly just kinda larks on da list, readin da emails, but Petey sisted
so I asks her.
[Posted in FML issue 5198]