I grew up on a farm so I've seen some pretty funky stuff.  Well, the
average City Joe would call it funky, to me it was normal.  One of
the funniest things was watching our Shepherd Maggie follow the calfs
around, waiting for those oh so delicious little hors d'oeuvres to drop.
Can you see where this is going?
I let the fuzzies out of their room each morning for roam time in Moms
computer room and the hall, which is blocked off by a old storm window
to keep the fuzzies out of the kitchen.  Needless to say they don't run
back to their litter boxes when nature calls.
One day I collected all the little monsters and put them back in their
room.  The dogs were waiting patiently on the other side of the barrier,
they knew what was coming.  I slid the storm window back behind the china
hutch, 'c'mon puppies, get the poopie'!  At that moment my husband exited
the bathroom to see his beloved dog slurp up a fresh pile.  'EEEWWWWWW,
she KISSES ME with that mouth'!
Bon Appetit!
[Posted in FML issue 5187]