>The rest of you who feed raw and have defended doing so on this list:
>why Have I not heard from you?
Maybe because we haven't had this problem?  I've not ever had a ferret
that was on raw and then started to reject it.  On the contrary, I have
problems getting some ferrets to accept dry food which I want them to
eat, too, in case something happens to me and the only option for them
is to eat dry food
I can't remember what you feed but if they used to eat whole wings and
big pieces of meat then try and cop it up.  I had youngsters (and even a
stray cat) who ate whole wings and then got lazy and wanted food chopped
up.  I can't get my ferrets to eat whole wings or whole legs or big
pieces of meat, everything has to be chopped or minced.
If you have a look on this web site
you can see the size of the chunks in the pictures where the ferrets eat
Also maybe try different meats.
[Posted in FML issue 5186]