From one mother to another mother........"Good Post" and "Good Story".
Having such hang ups is sad.  We are very open here at our home, the kids
are well adjusted, and they don't have hang ups over body parts or badly
functions (although sometimes, with 4 males they would have a few hang
ups.  LOL).  You said nothing wrong, no need to apologize.  This is a
group of people who come together because we have a common interest.....
that being Ferrets.  But we also have a life outside of those ferrets,
which we should feel at ease to share with others.  The funny stories,
sad stories and other non-ferret related topics helps us get to know
another side of a person.  If you don't like the story, simply scroll
people!  They added that feature to the computer mouse just for such
Yeah Wolfy and her son's pickle!  (Never thought his pickle would get so
much attention did you.  He has a famous pickle now....!)
(Yes, I signed my name!)
Life is not how many breaths you take, but
how many times it takes your breath away...
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue PetFinder Web Page
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue Store
Aloha Ferrets Ebay Store
[Posted in FML issue 5182]