Don' t either of you DARE to apologize to whoever the hell was "anon" -
again for the writing and posting of Wolfy's story.  Neither of you did
anything wrong - and it is quite obvious by the amount of responses I
just read.  I have to apologize to you two though.....see, I was a day
or so behind on my post - and I couldn't even get PAST Anon's response.
I drove straight into 'overdrive' - and started my own "backhaul"
response - before I read all these posts.  Now I feel bad.  Cause I
didn't GET TO SAY IT TO ANON FIRST!!!!  **Winks*
Bill and Rebecca - you hear it - and I hope you FEEL it now too.  You
guys are the bomb and we love you!!.  I mean - look at you two - right
away, apologizing.  Now see, most folks woulda just jumped into that
"foray of unclassy, evil spirited post" - and gone for the jugular.  But
you two - true to form, did not.  Now see THAT speaks VOLUMES for your
characters.  Wolfy, if it weren't for your stories, I might not read the
Digest anymore!!!  And on top of that - all of the advice you give to
others is outstanding, even when you were having crisis's of your own -
you've never let anyone down.  Do NOT apologize for anymore than you
already have.  Enough was said when you said you didn't mean to offend.
You are not the one in the wrong here - and that much is clear to pretty
much, ALL of us.  Bill - now don't make me reach through the monitor and
"thwap* you one!!!  Mr. G - you get a big - "High-5" from me - for all
that you do.  Keep the faith my friendly ferret friends!!
Lord, help me to be grateful for what I have, and not greedy for what I
[Posted in FML issue 5182]