OK, let's say that I believe your lies, I mean your theories, you snuck
up on your husband, snapped a picture, then knocked the snot out of
him--correct?  Then how come there are TWO pictures?  Did you snap the
first, then sneak out, come back, snap the second- then knock the snot
out of him?  That sounds like entrapment (which of course is both legal
and ethical in a marriage-ha ha ha).  And your older son torments your
younger by wearing a pink thong.
I think we need to contact NBC, ABC, CBS, HBO, etc.  I think it is time
for Ozzie Osbourne's family to move back and put your family on TV--Now
there's a comedy!  (I would be curious to see how they would show Scott's
hair migrating from one part of his body to another--Maybe this show
would have to go on the SCIFI channel) Blawha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
And, where are the ferrets during all this family mayhem?  Do they need
to be taken into the FPS (Ferret Protective Services)?  Should they be
seeing all this?  They are so impressionable at all their ages.
[Posted in FML issue 5180]