If you look at past posts of ferret veterinary pathology expert, Dr.
Bruce Williams, a stroke technically involves dislodged plaque.
Thrombosis is the term when there is a thrown clot, and since thrown
clots have underlying causes in ferrets (usually cardiomyopathy,
sometimes kidney disease, sometimes lymphoma, etc.) it is essential
to find the underlying cause and treat it.
I recall having to learn that with our first experience of thrombosis in
a ferret, not her first thrombosis, though.  her first was to a leg, her
second to a kidney, and her third to her brain; she had cardiomyopathy.
Our next experience with a thrombosis to the brain was a male found
comatose, but with care he recovered almost completely.  In fact, I
suspect that is in the FML archives which I don't have time to search
right now, but you could search them easily enough.  The URL is in the
header of every day's FML.
Also see:
Normal heart values paper if needed:
It is good that ferrets have been cut a break in their own way.
Also to consider: you mention an accident.  What complications of
trauma and dog attack have been considered and checked for?  Certainly,
secondary infection can also cause massive symptoms if large enough.
Has a check been done to see if any marrow may have dislodged?  Have
cervical or thoracic spinal cord damage been considered?  Has meningitis
been considered, or any other neural diseases?
Many birds don't eat fish, but that doesn't mean that ferrets should
not have some.  Fish is high in Omega 3 Fatty Acid which is WONDERFUL
for kidney health.  What ferrets should not have is a diet high in
certain marine mollusks and fish because too much can cause yellow fat
disease/nutritional steatis which luckily is not often seen.  So, some
fish in the diet can help protect kidneys, a good thing to know.
-- Sukie (not a vet)
Ferret Health List co-moderator
FHL Archives fan
International Ferret Congress advisor
[Posted in FML issue 5175]