My sweet Toby boy, should have met you sometime last Monday.  When
fuzzies are taken away to quickly it is so much harder to write you a
message to let you know they are coming.  He went in for adrenal, but the
complications were great.  I had told him about the bridge and meeting
you, but I also told him not to worry because I was going to take him
back home that evening.  I thought I was telling him the truth.
Toby was an exception little short bodied boy, that was found wondering
around outside about 4 years ago.  We agreed to keep him thru the
quarantine time, but couldn't let him go after those two weeks.  He won
my heart by always using the litter box, no matter where he was.  Then I
was lost when he started giving me nose kisses.  He was my only one that
would give kisses.  I believe two weeks before he went to the bridge that
he talked with Bandito and talked him into taking his place.  Bandito
gives me noses kisses every morning now.  Toby must have done some fast
talking to convince Bandito to do this.
Toby had a favorite pass time of finding and hiding crinkly tube socks
with bells in them, away from Bear.  He would even go as far as to go
under the couch, drag the sock to his camouflaged, shake it for all its
worth, and the put his head on it to protect it until Bear came around
looking for it.  He had the most distinct little twinkle toe walk after
eating his gravy... reminded me of the "tip toe thru the tulips" walk.
With his little tail held high, you could tell he was happy with his
gravy.  His fuzzy cow is not being used much be the rest of the gang,
I guess they knew it was his favorite spot.  Could you help him find a
comfy sleeping spot and all the gravy he can eat?  Could you also help
him to find Paco and Ferris.  He knew Paco well, but Ferris was very
standoffish on Earth.  Please let them all know that their Mommy and
Daddy still miss them and love them.
Florence and Steve Love and the other seven fuzzies
[Posted in FML issue 5168]