Hello all,
First, a request for info.  I want to try to provide darkness for my
ferrets in their cages.  Anyone have any suggestions on the best way
to do this?  Preferrably, either easy to do, or with detailed
instructions. :) I don't want to cover the whole cage, as then they
wouldn't be able to see their food and would have to go by smell (which
I know they can do if they need to), and I couldn't see them (also, they
couldn't see me, which they like to do sometimes).
Second, an observation... it's strange how varied the level of response
is to different items on the FML.  I've posted a few requests for info
and comments, and usually hear from a number of folks (thanks!).  I
recently posted asking for help integrating my cat and 3 ferrets, and
got one response that basically said, "Get rid of the cat." (Not a lot
of help there, as she's part of the family and not going anywhere, and
the email *was* tempered a bit more than it sounds here, but still...)
Anyone else experience this disparity?
Debbie H
(and I can't take credit for the refrain of Who Let the Ferts Out?...
that was my hubby, and I didn't stop laughing for days... had to finish
it out and share it with you all)
[Posted in FML issue 5172]