Tyler wrote...
>The ferrets are fed Kibble which is what they are meant to eat.  They
>occasionally eat chicken meat....cooked.... But I would NEVER in a
>Million freakin years offer a live...Defenseless mouse to them for
In response to this...
1) Because you can't see the chicken in the ferret's kibble, does not
mean that there wasn't once a live chicken, bred and raised for food.
Someone recently wrote me a very eye-opening statement - Kibble is NOT
made from volunteers.  The methods used in many processing plants is
far from what I would consider humane.
2) Ferret were not meant to eat kibble.  If that were the case, I would
suspect that we would find Kibble Trees growing where we could just
harvest kibble for our ferrets.  Kibble is something we developed to
make it easier for us in feeding our ferrets.
3) I totally agree with you about live prey.  That is where I would draw
the line.  Additionally, before I purchase frozen rats, mice or chicks, I
do check with the supplier to find out what method was used to kill and
prepare the animal for sale.
[Posted in FML issue 5198]