I have a albino that loves to bite....... the ONLY suggestion i got was
to try bitter apple....... she licks it off our hands and then bites
us.... no help and this morning we were giving loving time....and she
litterally took a hunk out of my husbands finger..... for no reason....
what can i do??  i dont want to get rid of her but i need some help
because i dont feel safe having her around my hooman kids..... dont get
me wrong this is only a LAST resort... but for the safety of my kids i
need to find something to get her to stop ...... again she LOVES bitter
apple....... yes i know that is something that is unheard of...... but
she litterally licks it off then bites down on your hand/foot/face/
anything she can get ahold of this has to stop.......
I asked a question on my big baby he had ears that are now bald......
because of my littlest who is a major ear sucker..  scratcher has no
sores just is bald..  what can i use to stop this... again i have no
luck with the bitter apple on anything because the albino (snowball)
licks it all up and then bites... but she does nt bite that hard on
the other fuzzy's .... is there anything that i can do?
Please help this is really bothering me on both accounts.... i love my
babys and dont want to loose any over something that may be fixed easily.
[Posted in FML issue 5198]