I have been fallowing the thread about Mr. Serrano.  Like many others I
found myself thinking about what I had read several times in the days
that fallowed.  Sure these things happen every second of everyday.  Why
did this story stick with us?  Because of the ferret involved?
Yes that is part of it.  But as someone else has said once all ready, I
think we can all see our selves in this poor mans spot.  Who among us
wouldn't have fallowed the first impulse to run after the man and demand
our pet back?  I know that is exactly what I would have done.  And it
would have been me that was beaten with in a inch of my life.
I am sending a thank you to those of you that found the addresses and
information so we can send Mr. Serrano cards and donations.  I appreciate
your time and foot work to get this.  I will be sending a card and what
ever else I can muster.  I sure hope he pulls through okay.
[Posted in FML issue 5198]