I laughed so hard reading about your trying to vacuum around the ferrets!
Was great and boy can I picture it!  My Sam is afraid of the vacuum but
my Noni would be following me around and trying to ride the dumb machine!
Thanks for giving me a wonderful laugh today.
My Sammy doesn't play with toys but he always steals the cheweasels and
hides them in different places in their cage.  I move them around and
when I put them back into their cage, he will hunt them down and move
back to their correct spot.  None of my babies have ever wanted to eat
them, they just smell them and maybe a lick or two but they never eat
them.  Does anyone else have kids that do this?  My Gizzy had a stuffed
bear that he would pull into his hammie with him if it fell out and my
little Sissy had this brown bear(was bigger than her!)and she would pull
him around by his nose, all over the room was sure a hoot to see, she was
so small.  Even when she got so sick and couldn't walk, she would still
try to move him and when she couldn't, she would drape herself over his
neck so she could chew on his nose, was special and sad at the same time,
she didn't want to quit playing even when she was hurting so much before
she passed.  They sure are fighters even with the dreaded diseases they
get, they just don't want to leave us.
Julie, Sammy & Noni
[Posted in FML issue 5196]