Hi Ferretier,
I be doin gud, da paws all heals up but you gots to watches out for does
porkliepines.  Dey be nurvous cwitters and dey gots stickeries dat
stickies in you dat make you go ouch.
It takes me a while to finds eberyone you say to checks up on but I finds
dem all and dey be doin gud.
Firstists I finds Miss Me-Me and Pwincess Anna and dey say dey misses
deir mom but dey be ok.
Next I finds Shiela and brudder Traveler on da Stump-Scope and den I goes
for a visit wiff dem.
Next I goes to visit Wady Marion and QueenBwaze and all da babies and we
has a gud time.  I members when I first shows her awound at da Bwidge and
takes her to da 'Tone stweams for some 'Tone.  Den when I takes her to
fweece mountains, her eyes gots big and wound and she takes off wunning
up da side of da mountains to finds a new hammy.  She be bouncin from
hammy to hammy till she finds just da wight hammy to takes back to her
hut.  After all dat she be tuckered and wanted a nap.  I was gwad, cause
I be tuckered out dat day too.  Shy-Gurl be missin her mom and she say
she tells you tings in yur dweams; tings wike tanks for being such a gud
Not to worries, all yur fuzzierbutts be doin gud.  Dey misses you a wot
but sneaks back for wiskery kisses as often as dey can.
Caring for your ferrets at the Rainbow Bridge.
[Posted in FML issue 5196]