Cinnamon was our first rescue before we met and became involved with
MAAF.  When Cinni first came home with us he was very sick, we thought he
had ECC.  He didn't end up having ECC and a little over a year ago Mommy
nursed him back to health.  He was a beautiful gentle big boy with a
shinny coat.  Mommy gave him a reason to live and he loved his new home,
wow, what a big playroom with tubes all over the walls and all kinds of
toys that Daddy built.  When Daddy would come into the room, Cinni would
run to Daddy.  His favorite thing was to lay on his back and fall asleep
while Daddy stroked him.  He used to love Mommy's duck soup.  Mommy could
really get him to play, he would jump and swing his arms as if he were
trying to catch butterflies.  He loved when Mommy would bring in a big
tray of fluffy snow, he loved to dig in it.  He would give the sweetest
Cinni's first time out was at Buttonwoods park in the new just emerging
MAAF playground.  The second time out was at The Celebration of Animals
in Mansfield, what a scorching hot day.  Daddy brought a generator and
ran fans.  That was great to fall asleep in front of the fan.  Cinni
quickly became one of Daddy's favorites.  Cinni would love treat time,
Daddy would go into the room and do his special whistle, Cinni would beat
all his brothers and sisters to treat time when he heard Dad's whistle.
About 3 weeks ago, when Daddy came home from work and picked up Cinni for
a hug he noticed something was not right.  He was losing weight so,off to
the vet for x-rays, blood work.  Mommy fed Cinni with a syringe and sub-q
fluids for almost 3 weeks.  She slept in the great room to be right next
to him, It was just not meant to be.
Mommy and Daddy helped Cinni cross the bridge on Monday the 27th.  Daddy
cuddled him and broke down as he slipped away.  He must have been so
happy that the pain disappeared that he bottle brushed to the bridge.
We took his paw prints in clay and clipped some fur.  We have a special
urn awaiting his return with his name engraved in brass.  It's still hard
to believe he's gone.  He only had one good year with his new Mommy and
Daddy but it was a great year.  He joins his older brother Dexter who
crossed over the bridge on 9-12-04.
Missing Cinni very much is Mommy, Daddy, Pia, Slinky, Oscar, Sampson,
Dunkin, Tubbi, AJ, Boo Bear, DeeDee, Zuni, Nibbles, Tinkerbelle, and
his foster brothers and sisters Mr. Bud, Chilly Willy, Simon, Lilly,
Baby and Chicky.
[Posted in FML issue 5196]