Hello all,
I am really struggling with what to do with my 7 = year old little guy.
Does anyone else have a ferret this old?
He is in ok health from what I can tell.  He's been on prednesolone for
about a year now for insulanoma.  He gets .6ml 2x a day.  Mentally I
think he's losing it a little though and this is where I'm pulling my
hair out.  He pees ALL OVER the house.  He no longer has much control.
Even when he is near the litter box he goes right beside it.  Just when
I've spent 15 minutes cleaning his spots I find another and another.  I
know - why don't I keep him in his cage?  I do at night.  (During the
day he is free) I don't like to keep him in it because he will pee beside
his litter box in the cage and steps and gets his fur covered when he is
freaking out because he wants out- then I have to give him a bath.  So
it's kind of easier to clean little spots buts it's getting out of
control!!  I get so frustrated!
Does anyone have any ideas??  I'm considering the fact that he has had a
long and spoiled life.....but I don't think I could bring myself to do
that just because he pees a lot.
Steph and Pooh
[Posted in FML issue 5196]