I have to say something I didn't want to slam anyone and/or upset anyone.
But I feel extremely upset at certain things and I needed to get this off
my chest because it's eating me alive.
Over the past 3 years, I have sent donations to other shelters, even
though I am a shelter myself, if I am stable enough and I get some extra
money, I sent to help other shelters.  I have to date, after checking
my check book sent $700 in the past three years to several shelters (22
to be exact) but do you think I even so much as got a thank you or
acknowledgement the money was received.
Not once, not even a got your check or thank you.  I feel
underappreciated and I am wondering why bother to send to any others if
they don't appreciate a $25 or $50 donation.  I work hard for my money, I
work extra side jobs to earn extra money.  On occasion when I get money
that I would normally use for say lunch or gas if I took the extra trip
to buy junk food, I sock that away and when I hear a heart wrenching
story I feel obligated to send that money I have extra because they need
it more than I do.  If i have extra change, I put it aside, I act stingy
with my money so I can give my rescues and my personals all the spoiling
I can afford.  I keep my numbers to below 50 ferrets total in my house
for this reason.
So answer me why....why....why....why, don't these people have the common
courtesy to say thank you or acknowledge that my blood, sweat and tears
may have helped save the animal's life or helped that shelter.  My
address is on my check, send me a piece of paper with the work thank you.
I don't think I am asking too much.  For god's sake, if the 39 cents is
too much to spare, drop me an email.  I feel crossed at these people.  I
just sent a $30 check to another shelter almost two months ago, I know
the check was cashed and still nothing.  No thank you.
I have received donations in the past and I have personally thanked them
if possible, but at the very least, I sent a thank you note or card.
So please, if you receive a check or donation or money from someone, tell
them thank you.  It's makes a world of difference to know that you made a
difference or at least helped.  I cannot send much money and god I would
love to send the amounts needed for these ferrets and shelters suffering
but I cannot do it without it affecting my own.  I would give up
everything for my ferrets.
At this point, not sure if I will be sending money for a while, I am
burned up inside that for three years and 22 shelters later, not one
person had the gunction to say thanks.  I don't even know if my money
was used for the ferrets or if the person used it for themselves.  I
mean now I am wondering if it went to a good cause or not.
[Posted in FML issue 5195]