Well, we have a budding new Olympic sport at the house.  I think y'all
will be adding your own variations of this in future FML's.
It's called "Housekeeping With Ferrets".  In the first event we have
Step one; open closet door to get vacuum and set in center of room.
Step two; open closet door to retrieve ferret(s).
Step three; pull ferret(s) off of vacuum and warn them you are going
to be using it.
Step four; plug in vacuum.
Step five; pull ferret(s) off of vacuum and again warn them, this
time add the forward/backward movement.
Step six; turn on vacuum.
Step seven; turn off vacuum & retrieve ferret(s) from ceiling fan.
Step eight; repeat step five.
Step nine; turn on vacuum.
Step ten; turn off vacuum and remove ferrets from inside sweat pant
legs of the ones you are wearing.
Step eleven; return vacuum to closet & close door.
Step twelve; open closet door and retrieve ferret(s).
Step thirteen; tell visitors that notice messy floors to get over it,
you are owned by ferrets.
Next event?  How about "Cleaning out the refrigerator"..... film at 11.
[Posted in FML issue 5195]