Valentine was given as a Valentine's Day present to the daughter of an
acquaintance in 1998.  Of course, the "new" wore off very soon, and she
came to us less than a month later.  Just your average sable Marshall
Farms ferret.  A sweetheart who lived with us for nearly 8 years.  She
passed over the bridge last November, on the very day that our latest
granddaughter was born.  One life life ends.
Fifi came to us in the spring of 2001.  She was not quite 2 years old.
Her owners were having a new house built and were expecting a baby.  The
little one and a half pound dark eyed white did not fit in either plan,
so we took her in.  She lived at warp speed.  Nothing slow about this
girl.  But, if you got her attention, she would stop whatever she was
doing and wait for you to pick her up for a cuddle.  Of course, it was
off again as soon as her feet hit the floor.  She went to the bridge on
the 12th of this month (March).
Both had adrenal disease.  Both were on Lupron shots.  Valentine lived
almost 8 years.  Not too bad, I think.  After she died, Fifi just seemed
to lose interest.  She would eat and drink and play, but she just lost a
bit of her spark.  They were together for 5 years.  They join Cujo,
Bandit and Snowball.  All dearly loved and greatly missed.
And now, we are ferretless.  Maybe for just a time, maybe forever.  You
all know the pain of loss.  It seems to get worse each time.  We would
never give up our memories and all the times they made us laugh, but,
danm, it hurts when they are gone.  So, for awhile, we will just have
the memories and the flashes at the corner of the eye that says they
are still here, just playing a little ferret trick on Mom and Dad.  We
see you babies.  Wait for us.
We have three 4.25 oz tubes of 8 in 1 Ferretvite left.  Also about 50
ml's of 6.7 mg prednisolone in 5 ml of whatever liquid the pharmacy puts
pred in.  It was new on 2-27-07.  We would like these items to go where
they are most needed.  SOS, do you have a suggestion of a shelter needing
this?  Shelters, I know there is a need.  Choosing is the problem.
Please, no hurt feelings if you ask, and don't get anything.  It will
only mean that someone else got in ahead of you.  Don't worry about the
postage, we just don't want to throw away what we know there is a need
for someplace.
For the time being, we will continue to get the FML.  We still need a
little "ferret fix".  To BIG, a heartfelt THANK YOU for all you have
done.  It was an honor to meet you in our home in Kissimmee (we have
since moved back to Iowa) before the FML 10th Anniversary bash.  Your
service to the ferret community is legendary.  To try to list those on
this list who have helped us directly and indirectly over the past decade
and more, would be impossible.  Someone would be left out.  You know who
you are, and FML'ers are lucky to have you.  Our utmost admiration goes
out to the shelter Moms and Dads who take in the unwanted, the sick and
the older ferrets.  Surely you receive a reward and blessings in the
future.  So much work, so little recognition.
Thank you all.
Charles and Agatha Onken
Missing out little ones.
[Posted in FML issue 5195]