A Best Friend, a Lover and a Companion through life's good times and bad.
Losing a loved one is a pain that cannot be measured.  Nor can it be
shared.  The coming months will be difficult for Leizann and there are
no words that can be spoken or written that will ease her pain.
Please keep her in your prayers and thoughts over the coming weeks.  She
is such a special member of the ferret community - doing and giving so
much for our beloved fuzzies.  May she find peace in her memories.
I am the Guardian of Hope.
If you know a ferret in need and prayers or good wishes will help ease
the pain, please let us know.  Send us a note with the information and we
will send our very best prayers or good thoughts in Hopes that the warm
power of love will surround and comfort the precious little one - and the
hoomans who loves them.
[Posted in FML issue 5170]