After a 2 year battle with insulinoma, my little Slinky crossed the
bridge around 2am, this morning.  He was our first of 3 ferrets, and
his passing now leaves us with one--Minky.  Minky has never been without
another ferret, but my husband and I have decided not to get another one,
due to allergies I have.  People have told me that lonliness could cause
our last to go pretty quickly, once we got down to one.  I don't want
that to happen, and Minky is still in very good health--even at 7 1/2
years old.  I was holding him in my lap, earlier today, crying, and I
know he was crying with me (making these little grunts & groans),
however, I'm not sure he realized the reason at that point.  My husband &
I both work full time, from early in the morning, not arriving home until
about 6pm.  The boys have their own room, so Minky has the whole room to
himself, now.  Slinky & Minky cuddled together a lot, and I'm not sure
how to get him through the mourning, and how to adjust him to being in
a "one-ferret home." Any suggestions would be helpful.  Thank you.
[Posted in FML issue 5194]