On Tuesday, Kathleen, a fellow ferret owner in the Bay Area had her house
broken into....
A neighbor found a wandering ferret and took it to Kathleen's as she knew
Kathleen had ferts.  The neighbor noticed that Kathleen's door was opened
and so she looked inside.  The house had been ransacked and burglarized.
Shocked and not thinking, the neighbor called the police.  Upon arriving
the police had the ferrets confiscated.  All nine of them are now
Next, animal control called Kathleen at work and told her that her
beloved ferrets had been seized.  At that moment Kathleen had a massive
heart attack and collapsed.  She is now in the hospital awaiting surgery
in the morning.  She is awake but not very coherent.
PLEASE PEOPLE PLEASE stop talking about how Fish and Game doesn't take
ferrets.  Stop telling the lies that they turn their back and don't care
about ferrets residing in this state.  As of yet, no one has been able to
get the status of these ferrets.  Different people have tried to get them
released.  At this time they have not released the ferrets.  Hopefully
they won't do anything reckless and euthanize them without warrant as
they have been known to do in the past.  Pray that one of these scared
little furries doesn't bite someone and give them a cause.  Pray that
someone with a brain at Fish and Game will give the go ahead for the
ferrets to be released so they can be safely transported to an out of
state shelter.  Pray that they can then find a good home because their
mom will probably NEVER get these ferrets back.  Pray that they don't get
sick from the stress of this whole scenario.  But most of all PRAY that
Kathleen gets better and comes out of this ordeal alive and healthy.
I am pretty upset as I write this so please forgive me if I seem abit
off.  This stupid F ing state.  Stupid animal control delivering news
like that over the phone.  Couldn't they have waited until she got home??
Hope and others please say a prayer for the ferrets and Kathleen.
Thanks for listening, Hug a Fuzzy, Mary Jo
[Posted in FML issue 5142]