We had an interesting appointment with our accountant.  For those who
know me, will know what a "Wolfy" moment is.  And I had a doozy of one
while doing our taxes.  Probably out of boredom.
Before going on, let me define "Woofymoment".  An example of a "Wolfy
moment", is:
"Scott, SCOTT .... Look!  I found a creature in your aquarium.  Look in
the magnifying glass.  See??  I think it's a paramecium."
::Scott walks skeptically over to the tank.  Leans over and looks into
the wondrous"paramecium" through the magnifying lens ::
"Oh ... like this one?" ::He points to another dot on the tank glass ...
then proceeds to rub it off:: "It's a dried drop of water ... ::
"Shut up."
That's a Woofymoment.  And I had the mother of all Woofymoments the other
day.  While doing the taxes, I could have sworn I heard the tax lady say
something about animals or something related.  Scott claims that they
were talking about being practical with money and how they both drove
old cars until they dropped.  I heard "animals" in there somewhere.
::shrugging::  So I enthusiastically jumped into their conversation.
"Yeah ... and this one time ... Okay, there is this eccentric little old
lady who once lived in Oregon.  Okay?  And like she owned ferrets, well
still does.  But she lived on a houseboat with the ferrets.  She took
them out on paddle boats and stuff ... okay, so anyway ... she had this
ferret named Kouri..."  ::imagine Scott and tax lady staring at me with
concerned eyes:: "
 ... And she... now this is so funny hahaha... she put...hahaaaaaahahaha
 ... her ferret in for magazine subscriptions and stuff ... and like
HAHAHAHA ... he was in garden clubs, the NRA and got an award you know?
And one time, the phone rang and it was a salesman/bill collector asking
for Kouri ..  bwahahahahaha, and like ... ... well, he's a ferret!  Isn't
that just so funny????  HAHAHAHAH"
The tax attorney glanced at Scott, moved around in her chair in a very
uncomfortable way, then looked back at me for a second, and at this time
I couldn't understand why.  She finally broke the silence (Scott looked
mortified and I thought he was just being a fuddy duddy at the time).
She said .."uh huh ... well, uh ... yeah, we've had clients actually try
to put their pets on credit cards and ask me for write offs.  Yeah, so I
know what you mean." Weird response.  I had no idea what was going on.
Until I got into the car and Scott laid into me.
"What the hell?!"
"What?!  It's an interesting story."
"What the hell does some little old lady on a house boat with ferrets
have to do with saving money and driving old cars?!"
"What are you talking about?  She was talking about pets and cards or ...
"That was AFTER you did what you did, to be nice to you."
"oh ... hmm."
::Scott drops his head on the steering wheel::
Sean and Rocky Slide show
See Sean before Rocky
[Posted in FML issue 5162]