1. Others had already posted the things they consider up-points about
raw diets so I did not need to do so.  Besides, I do not dictate to you
what you say, so why should you dictate to me what I say?
2. I provided links to the downside of raw because the poster
specifically asked if any vets had treated such illnesses.  They have,
so I provided some of the applicable links so that the person could
read the requested material.
3. I also provided the information that not all vets are against raw
feeding, and I provided Dr. Brown's full name so that the person could
also look those up those other references.  I did not have them handy
and am short on time but know they exist.
4. I don't have to make your case for you when you are making it
yourself.  Providing balancing info is important and can save ferret
lives when some do get illnesses or parasites, and saving ferrets is
ultimately what the work is about.
5. There are arguments on both sides but when people get treated as I
have been publicly treated by several of the raw food advocates recently
(and most of the "Why aren't you going to my extreme?" private letters
have also been from raw feeders) then the folks on the other side tend to
clam up to avoid being harassed.  That is an ugly situation and should
not exist; it is not fair and respectful behavior to list membership in
6. Re: the FHL.  There have been one heck of a lot of diet discussions,
including raw food ones on the FHL over the years, and looking at the
archives shows that.  The three reasons we have to keep off repetitive
traffic (esp.  the type that garners a lot of member complaints when it
happens too often) right now were said yesterday.  The other two are that
Smartgroups wants traffic kept down during repair, and because of serious
illness of one of our moderators there is extra work for the rest of us,
so we are doing more in what little time we have.  The most recent
non-expert posts on raw food went into new raw egg info so were allowed
because they did not duplicate existing information.  They were from
Chris and Shirley only 6 days ago, and I was wrong because I did not
approve two of them, I approved three so that list members could have
full info by reading and using the archives:
New information, expert information, and new peer reviewed studies are
not a problem, even with topics that have been discussed over and over
again and are largely hypothetical and unclear in terms of personal
choices.  BTW, with loads of info in the archives on the risk factors
there were not any recent posts that presented the other side to the
points in those three letters.  (Just as here on the FML most of the
recent diet posts have been from raw advocates mentioning only partial
information.) That is hardly unfair.
A personal note: I want to thank the people, no matter what their
opinions are, who are handling the discussions fairly and without
harassment, but sadly I want to point out to those who are being nasty
and taking personal pot shots or expecting everyone to only discuss their
preferred points that unfortunately they are publicly proving the point
that these discussions degenerate.  Is there a chance that those who
behave civilly could quietly and privately get on the cases of those
who don't, and explain to them why it pays to use good form?  Their
behavior ultimately does not help anyone.  For me the most painful and
disappointing were two people to whom I donated many hours of my time
looking up medical info they needed over and over again, only to have
them then take cheap potshots at me this week when I am already
overworked.  Poor form.  Really poor form.  When someone has a history of
helping you it is wrong to turn around and just assume the worst of her
instead of allowing her to just provide the info requested by another
list member and provide the balance to what they themselves have been
saying since they gave only one side, also wrong to say that a topic
has been banned when it has been recently approved when the data is new,
worse yet to do either of those things publicly.  I am leaving names
out of this; I would rather have people consider their own actions taken
publicly and privately themselves than have list members get into a
fight.  The topic is important, but a fight is better avoided for
everyone's sake as being unfair to the FML membership, and that is my
own aim.
Two more quick points:
7. I am personally going to drop the feeding topic now, but, Bill, could
you, please, consider reminding people who say the topic was banned on
the FHL (all raw advocates so far inaccurately saying it) that that
statement is incorrect and that if my memory serves (and I am pretty
tired right now) the last three non-expert diet posts were all theirs
*IF* they again make that false statement?
8. Information of all types on both sides can be found in the archives
of the FML and FHL ad nauseum.
-- Sukie (not a vet)
Ferret Health List co-moderator
FHL Archives fan
International Ferret Congress advisor
[Posted in FML issue 5162]