Julie mentioned her ferret who had a terrible reaction to Purevax.  Yes,
even though the reaction rate is lower, the severity of an anaphylactic
reaction is terrible no matter what the cause.
It is not possible to totally eliminate the occurrences, though it is
possible to reduce the rates by reducing common elements in the matrix
the vaccine is in, and through other measures.  Anaphylactic reactions
happen because of the individual's body itself making a mistake and
thinking that something is an attacker.  Unfortunately, ferret immune
systems are too prone to this mistake, so they have a pretty high rate
of being reactive.  The more exposures to a given item, the more chance
of an allergic reaction, which is why I which there would be reputable
testing for length of effectiveness of the vaccines to see if they can
go beyond the current timeframes that are known, and how far beyond for
each (since that tends to vary).
Most of the information on anaphylatic reactions is from humans, and
I can speak from personal experience since I do it for a med and for
several common foods (not all of them common allergans), as do several
other family members, on Steve's side of the family as well as mine.
The blood passed from the intestines does not hurt any worse than plain
severe diarrhea because it is from red blood cells swept along by the
rapid fluid loss.  Some of the members of our families who react have
panic responses from their reactions or from the epi or both.  I do not
know how many ferrets panic -- though I know that some do -- because most
seem to pass out.  None of us humans in either side of our family are
among those who pass out with an anaphylactic reaction, BUT in ferrets
that is COMMON.  In humans a common reaction to epi is to get silly.  I
do that big time each and every time I get it; everything becomes funny.
I also get a marked desire to rock climb very often but since I am so
wiped out that I have to crawl up a flight of stairs with help that is
not a risk factor.  Watch out for lack of judgement in a ferret as well
as a human who has had epi.  Epi is THE single most important of the meds
to get into someone of any species who has had an anaphylactic reaction.
Luckily, anaphylactic reactions are usually survivable.  I can recall
one year when I had over a half dozen of them from my (needed) allergy
shots that successfully reduced my asthma, so you know why I never left
the allergist's office early and advise against anyone leaving a vet's
office sooner than 45 minutes after a vaccination.  (I am now on
sub-lingual after I began having delayed reactions and am thriving
on it.)
(an unusual one questioned with a similar name to something else...)
I am fast running out of time.  You will find more in the two sets of
For the person seeking kibble comparison stuff:
(which may also have info for Inga; but I am not sure since I have to
do this work fast)
-- Sukie (not a vet)
Ferret Health List co-moderator
FHL Archives fan
International Ferret Congress advisor
[Posted in FML issue 5159]