Hi all this is SaraFerret.  De other day I was just hanging out in my
den and Serena was playing around--blocks and such and squeakie toys and
the mousie angels were watching her like a hawk.  Dey adore her.  All of
a sudden the loudspeaker blares: SaraFerret-get out of your hammie and
get to de bridge.  You have a ferret who will be crossing de bridge.  So
I cleans up Serena, pops her into de backpack and off like de wind.
Okay de note hanging by de entrance said his name was Tazzy and he
apparently had just passed very peacefully.  Okay the note didnt say dat
Tazzy was somewhat of a character (dictionary again).  Yeppers dere he
was getting ready to cross and he popped open a big umbrella (well big
for a ferret anyway) and hopped on to one of de ropes dat serve as a
handrail over de bridge.  I yelled--No, No Tazzy thats to hold onto, not
to play tightrope walking.  Binoculars were out on our side.  Many
ferrets must have heard about de daredevil dat was crossing de Bridge.
Oh I dont think I should look--I know he cant die again, but he could
be a bit tossed if he fell off (Dats happened wit some of us when we
So dere he was--Ms SaraFerret, let Mommy know how I came across de
bridge.  (I could just see myself trying to explain to his Mommy why he
was somewhat crumbled up.)  He was doing pretty good considering de wind
was blowing and de ropes swung back and forth.  Datboy could really
balance hisself well.  La-de-da he was singing at de top of his lungs,
look at me de great Tazzy.  I was watching I yelled back.  And FINALLY
he made it--all de ferrets and mousies and musteys were applauding him.
Magnificient, courageous and other words of praise (you can really tell
when I has been at de dictionary.  He hopped off de rope and tells me Hi
I am Tazzy de great and you, my lovely young ferret must be SaraFerret
and he kissed my paw.  (You can really tell dat his mommy had worked hard
teaching him how to talk to a ferretgirl).  I tells him--yes we all knew
it was you--your mommy sent a note saying you were crossing de bridge.
Well he says, what do we do now--I can see dat dis guy is gonna go far
among de ferrets of de Rainbow Bridge.  I know wings and halo time.  How
did you know dat I says.  Oh mommy used to tell us stories of de bridge
and how it would be, and hows we would look and what we would wear.  Oh!
I said, Well dats settled then.  We trotted over to Kit and Kaboodle to
pick out de type of wings which de great tightrope walker would wear.
Maybe a cape also!  Sure enough a beautiful set of golden wings with halo
and a cape which mysteriously appeared (yeppers like I says always can
tell when I has been hanging around dat big book).  We got him dressed
I asks him if he wanted a tour.  He says well a short one anyway.  All
de other ferrets had disappeared to do their tings.  All dat was dere was
md (Serena in my backpack and Tazzy.  His tears started comming down his
cheeksand he brushing dem away wit his paw.  And den he leaned against
me and cryed his little heart out.
I miss all de ferrets and I miss Mommy--I wanna go back home.
Poor little guy, he had tried so hard to be brave but after all de guys
had gone, he couldnt hold back at all.  I even had tears in my eyes,
remembering how scared I was when I first came here.  I gots him a cloth
and he wipes his tears away.  He says can I go and take de short tour
now.  I tells him datI have a surprise waiting for him after de short
tour.  Off to de Kibble Garage where de guy furries hung out chattering
and all dat about de latest ting in cloud flight and cloud hopping.  He
says wowsie dat looks like fun.
And den to de famous Otter Mudslide.  He kept getting more and more
excited.  I warns him not to try right now until he had put away his
cape--otherwise it would get dirty and de mousie angels who lots of
cleaning would have a number of squeaks wit him.  He nodded his head,
And now we arrived at de surprise.  Okay whats dis?  he says.  Dis is
de reflecting pool.  And I told him to lean over de water and swish it
around a bit and den he would see someting.
He looked at me and asks uh well uh are you gonna toss me in de water.
Of course not.  Just do what I said-you want your surprise dont you.  He
leaned over and saw Mommy Marla wit tears in her eyes wit her ferrets
around her.  Hey Mommy I made it--I know you would love my grand
entrance.  He waved very hard.  I tells him dat she couldnt see him, and
he says well if she couldnt see my why did she wave back.  I looked dere
she was waving her arms and no tears.
Oh yes one last ting.  He met all de ferrets from his business dat had
passed over de bridge before him.  And so passed another day at de bridge
Dooks of love
[Posted in FML issue 5156]