Hi all I am SaraFerret.  Last week, I got a note to report for the bridge
and bring Dylan and Marley with me.  So I packed Serena in my backpack
and zipped around to dere digs and we hightailed it to de Rainbow Bridge.
Naturally it was a super windy day and de bridge was swaying.  Oh
merciful heavens, we is gonna have trouble.  I called out to de ferret
mentioned in the n ote--Sammy.  I still couldnt see Sammy anywhere.
Check note again--he is a very small ferret.  Maybe he cant see me and
so I yelled louder--Sammy its okay I am SaraFerret-you are at de good
place but you have to cross de bridge.
Den I could barely see him, but a small voice says I is scared, de bridge
is bouncing.  Yeppers it was more than bouncing--it was jumping.  So what
to do.  I handed de backpack with Serena over to Dylan and I told Sammy
dat I would be over dere to get her--half-hoping he could meet me
half-way.  I held on tight to de ropes and got halfway across and then a
burst of wind got ne and I flip over holding onto the bridge with four
paws.  I knew this was definitely not gonna encouage Sammy to cross and
dat I would just have to go all de way dere.  So I swung back up and held
on better and made it.  Who are you he says, SaraFerret I says.  I am a
bridge greeter.  But a bridge greeter by name of Muldoone was sposed to
greet me.  Uh Mully is a bit under de weather with a hurt paw.  Oh, well
I guess I will come wit you den.
I took a deep breath.  He looks at me and says would you carry me?  I
sighs and says Ok.  I just hope I would flip over completely and lose
the first ferret ever.  So I picks him and tells him to hold on.  He
held on and was strangling me.  Uh, Sammy, could you hold my arms.  Oh
he realized where he had put his paws.  Is sorry.  Its fine, I said and
slowly we made it back across.  I noticed dat he had some tings in his
secret backpack but didnt ask him yet.  Den Dylan and Marley came up and
dey handed me Serena and dey just hugged dere little brother and were
chattering about home etc.  Whatcha got in your backpack says Dylan.  Oh
just some toys--I have never seen so many toys in one secret backpack
ever-he must have cleaned out Mommy's entire house.  I mentioned to Sammy
dat we has lots of toys here but he says dat dese toys are from home
which makes dem lots better.
Well I could agree with dat.  He notices Dylan's wings and haloes and
asks wowsie where did you get dose?  I take over and asks if he would
like to gowith us to Kit and Kaboodle and get fitted for his new wings.
Oh great, wowsie, and all dat.  So off we went.  And of course dere was
a new supply of boy type wings wit corvettes on dem.  Oh yes he wanted a
set of dose-- oh-oh dey were too big for him, but den Auntie Mary came
out wit brand new ones dat were kit sized and dey fit him just perfect.
He grinned big for us and den he says wish Mommy Stephy could see
me--well I says maybe another time after probation you might be able to
let her see you.  Well he just brightened up really big.  I asks him if
he wanted a tour,but he decides to wait until Mully gets better and so we
headed over to Mully's place and oh Mully was so happy to see him and he
had had one of de mousie angels to clean up de place and get tings for a
party to welcome him.
Oh wowsie dere was enough food for an army of ferrets and it seems like
radar goes out and ferrets pick it up and quicker dan you can says
Ferret!  Dey were dere.  Mulldoone says he was gonna take Mommy Stephy's
furson on a tour in a couple of days and reports back on de tour.  And so
we partied and danced until de wee hours and den most left but de rest of
us just hit de blankets on de floor, hoping de mousie angels would clean
up de mess.
Hugs and dooks of Love
[Posted in FML issue 5155]