>From:    Kim Fox <[log in to unmask]>
>I don't have alot of information on this yet, but have it on very good
>authority that there is a bill to ban ferrets in the state of MD.  I'm
>not savvy in the political arena, but I know some of you out there are
>and wanted to pass the tip on.
I don't know if this is the bill you were talking about, but if so, I
think it does more to protect ferrets.  It does NOT ban them and given
the content of the bill, it does not look like MD intends to ban them.
The bill was introduced on February 10, 2006 and is called "House Bill
1292." Here is a link to a synopsis of the bill.
If you click on the bill number near the top of the page, it takes you
to a pdf file with the actual wording of the bill.  It is short and in
plain English if you want to read it.
Basically, it sets limits on transport of very young ferrets, requires
ferrets to be spayed/neutered prior to general sale (except to other
breeders), and states that kits cannot be shipped for a week after their
IMO, it is a good bill that helps rather than hurts ferrets.  I'd like
to see something like this adopted by all the states.
Fuzzy Follies Ferret Rescue
Lakeland Branch
Choose your friends by their character and your socks by their
color.  Choosing your socks by their character makes no sense, and
choosing your friends by their color is unthinkable.
  -- Anonymous
[Posted in FML issue 5154]