I just got off the phone with the Novotel.  The reason we were unable to
fit everyone in for the veterinary Q & A period (the dinner) was that
they had over booked the hotel meeting space and our dinner had to be
moved into a smaller function room.  WELL, the other "party" cancelled!
We now have room for *almost* everyone to come!!!  However, we still
don't have room for everyone to attend the dinner.  The veterinary Q & A
period will be open to everyone, we will be announcing a ticketing method
shortly, as a way to be fair.
With this new room, we have space for 10 more dinner spots.  Until today,
the dinner was totally sold out.  These spots will be on a first come
first served basis and will also include a seat with special VIP guests
(TBD).  EVERY table WILL have a special guest, some even have TWO!!!
For those of you who don't get the chance to sit with a speaker or VIP
guest for dinner, you may get the chance to join us for the after dinner
reception/bar & Veterinary Q & A period.  There will also be
entertainment and surprises in store :)
Miss Randy Melanie Belair
The Ferret Aid Society
Join us for the IFC Ferret Aid 2006 Conference!
Book early, almost sold out!!
[Posted in FML issue 5154]