Rose, Thank you, thank you, thank you!!  The new bedding that I ordered
from you on the 9th came today and I and of course, my kids LOVE IT!!!
They couldn't wait to HELP me open the box and as quickly as I pulled
stuff out, they were in the sleep sacks and into everything!!  And just
in time for Valentine's day tomorrow!!
I love the Red with the black paw prints, will really brighten up their
cage, tomorrow is the day that I put all clean stuff in their cage and
so will wait(even though is hard) to put all of it in their cage in the
morning.  You do such wonderful work and I hope that soon I can order
another set so can change the cage each week with new stuff.  Sammy
couldn't wait to try and hide the toys!!  Noni could care less about
toys, she just wanted to try out all the beds for sleeping!!  That is her
favorite pastime unless Sam can get her to play with him, usually can at
Anyway, just wanted to let you know how wonderful it all is and to let
everyone else know that also, I am sure their babies need new beds too!!
Thanks again, Julie, Sammy & Noni
[Posted in FML issue 5153]