Dearest Sandee,
I realize that this is the FERRET mailing list, not the DOGGIE mailing
list, but I was wondering if maybe, if you had a minute, could you
please get a message to my precious Princess, annd her sisters Oscar &
Tori.  (the others won't know who you're talking about)  Could you please
let my girls know that their doggie sister will be on her way to the
Bridge tomorrow morning.  Violet has been fighting cancer, but had been
doing alright up until her second cancer surgery.  Actually, for a 15
year old , good 'ol Bassett, she did quite well after that second
surgery.  She did well that is until she had a stroke.  I won't go into
all of the details, one because, it really doesn't matter now, and
second, I can't see the keys, or the screen to see what I've typed.  I
guess the cold weather has made the screen get all fogged up, and the
keys as well.  Anyway, from that day on, bit by bit, she slipped furthur
away from us.  Violet was my present puppy, given to me by my husband
and kids as I lay in bed with a migraine.  I felt the waterbed moving
and was just getting ready to tell whoever was moving it to go away,
when I heard a little grunting noise.  I thought they had gotten me a
piglet as I was really into collecting pigs then.  I turned to see THE
most adorable little face, with the LONGEST ears I have ever seen!  My
husband and I wanted her to go to the Bridge from home, but we cannot let
her she, although she's sleeping,is having even, but labored breathing.
Also, on this day, in one day, became very, very weak.  I guess she's
been around ferrets so much that she's doing the old stoic til the end,
show.  I told my husband that I too wanted her to leave from home, but
only if she wasn't suffering.  well she is now there.
She is probably the sweetest girl you'll ever meet.  Do you think that
you could possibly get Princess, Tori,& Oscar to show her around.  I'm
not real sure how things work there, if there's a fert department and a
dog department or what, but whatever you can do to help my Violet, I
would so greatly appreciate it, Sandee.  Please, I don't know if you
sprinkle magic dust or what, but please, please don't let Violet ever
forget me, and how very, very much I especially, but her whole family
loved her.  Violet had a dog sister here, April, who left about a year
ogo who will most likely be waiting there at the Bridge for her.  I told
Violet that April was waiting.
This morning, unless a miracle happens, I will say goodbye to my Violet.
I really tried to make her better.  I've been with her almost every
single minute for the last three days, awake for most of them, trying to
make her feel comfortable.  I guess tomorrow she'll finally really be
comfortable for the first time since the stroke.  I WILL be with her
when she is helped to the Bridge.  Tonight however, I just can't close
this with goodbye, I just can't.
She has woken up and is barking, sort of, so I need to go to her, Thank
you Sandee, from the bottom of my heart.I truly do appreciate all that
you do.  Stupid cold weather, screen's all fogged up again.
Violet's Mom  For Always, just like my fuzz babies
[Posted in FML issue 5152]