>SUGGESTION: Food as close to natural as possible -- something like
>Bob C's gravy
>BENEFIT: Dental health, general health (they are obligate carnivores,
>so need fat and protein, not vegetables, which they can't digest)
>QUESTION: What about crunch?  Or can they eat this all the time?
Debbie, Bob Church's Gravy, while being nourishing, is far from close to
natural, and I think Bob agrees with me here.
"Close to Natural" is small whole prey and/or raw meaty bones with
occasional offal.  This provides all the nourishment needed for our
little obligate carnivores as well as keeping their teeth clean and
disease free.  The bonus is that their systems will not be overloaded
with carbohydrates (ferrets have a ZERO need for carbs) and will also
prevent a lot of illnesses seen in ferrets that are fed only on kibble.
I applaud your interest in doing the best for your ferrets.
Love & Dooks,
[Posted in FML issue 5149]