I tried to wind up Dippy with the new baby Pharos early this morning
to get some nice action photos.  There really are no other ferrets for
him to play with since all of my other fuzzies are oldsters.  So Sean,
forever my devoted photo assistant, was there helping me as always.  He
could not seem to get Dippy wilded up and playing like Pharos though.
I lowered my camera, tilted my head, looked at Dippy, let out a sigh,
and said, "I guess she is getting old now".  Sean leaned back and said,
"She's not getting older mom, it's her blood suger is too low.  That's
all." Stupid me.  Lol.  Right?
How many children have a clue as to what adrenal disease, insolinoma, etc
is with their ferrets?  Heck, how many children know a thing about their
dogs health?  But as impressed and proud as I was ... it's a little bit
sad.  I think anyway.  When I was a child, animals got old, then they got
sick and died.  "How'd your dog die?" "Oh he got old and sick".  "What'd
he have wrong with him?" "Nothing, he was just old and sick".  "Oh".
That was that.
I ponder over pet ownership as a child before the "information age" as
compared to now.  In fact, I often muse over the subject concerning
adults too.  All of the pro's and con's that are involved.  As Sukie
and I say "in the days of meow mix and wood shavings ...."
Sean and Rocky Slide show
See Sean before Rocky
[Posted in FML issue 5142]