A few tips: your little one will have frustration.  If you find very
lightweight toys those will help.  You can also suspend toys.  If you
can't find any then a bit of grocery store plastic bag sewn up in cloth
is lightweight and makes good noises.
Chiclet liked to be put in a crinkly plastic grocery bag and have us
tickle her through it.
A ferret with DIM will typically want to eat but have difficulty
managing it.  A soup, such as a/d with heated water can be given by
spoon or dripped in front of the ferret's mouth.  A great utensil for
that is the dr. clown:
To safely reduce fever: use a bit of rubbing alcohol on the paws.
Cyndi, some of the things that have been mistaken for DIM:
meningitis, ADV with brain effects, canine distemper, other causes of
sepsis, Juvenile Lymphoma, etc.
Rachel, lethargy and hind limb weakness are general symptoms which show
up with a range of things, so finding the cause first is essential.  Some
common causes: insulinoma (which drops blood sugar), cardiomyopathy,
infection, malignancy.  There are very effective treatments to reduce the
impact of conditions like insulinoma or cardiomyopathy.  Your vet will
test blood sugar, probably do a BCB with Chemistry Panel, and may image
the chest, as well as checking anything that seems off on examination.
MA vets for Risa: The absolutely best vet our ferrets ever had was Hanan
Caine who moved to MA years ago.  You can find him in the vet list at the
FHL.  It is in the Reference Shelf in Files.
Gerri, thank you for your sweet words!
Sorry this is so short folks.  It is after 1 a.m. and I am a bit
tuckered.  Busy day...
-- Sukie (not a vet)
Ferret Health List co-moderator
FHL Archives fan
International Ferret Congress advisor
[Posted in FML issue 5167]