About 15 people attended the February 26th meeting and decided to proceed
with the Domestic Ferret Act of 2006; to propose an initiative to the
California electorate declaring the domestic ferret a domestic animal
and thus legal to own.
Announcing "The 3000 Club"
In order to build support for the signature gathering effort we decided
to form "the 3,000 Club" where we are going to seek to sign up 3,000
people who will pledge to gather 100 signatures and pay $10 or pay $100
without pledging to get any signatures (designed for people outside of
California who still want to participate).  People who sign up will get
either a wallet-size membership card or a certificate.  The request just
went to our graphic artist; we are waiting for her opinion.
The main way to sign up will be through our website,
Hopefully our web person can get it up to sign people up fairly quickly.
We have asked our graphic artist, to come up for a logo for the 3,000
Club.  I have asked the statewide Ferrets Anonymous permission to mail
to the statewide list, but I don't think they are clear on what we want
to do.
What I need from people receiving this email:
Would you like to be on the Board for this organization -- and
What should we call this effort?
We need a clever acronym.  My favorite acronym was the Committee to
Re-Elect the President, or CREEP for President Nixon.  Surely we can do
better for ferrets -- any ideas?
Also, I have a request for a ferret sitter in the Jamul area -- please
email me if you can baby-sit.
And lastly, the bumper stickers are due here March 1st.  You can view or
order them at
Thank you,
Pat Wright
[Posted in FML issue 5167]